Sunday, November 9, 2008

Blue Highways

Alice Middleton says, “Learning the rules is useful but it isn’t education.  Education is thinking, and thinking is looking for yourself and seeing what’s there, not what you got told was there.”  Do you think that Heat-Moon will successfully educate himself through his journey to find himself?

I completely agree with Alice’s statement.  Education is not limited to the work inside the classroom.  In order to truly grow, one must step outside the classroom boundaries and explore the world.   I believe that today’s education puts too much emphasis on the normal subjects in life.  We gain “book smarts”, but not “street smarts”.

Alice’s quote “learning the rules is useful but isn’t education” directly relates to Heat Moon’s life.  He had to deal with his divorce and the loss of his job.  Instead of sulking to his friends, he made a bold decision to get over his hardships by traveling.  He stepped outside of the box and pulled himself back together by exploring unknown lands.  Heat Moon learned valuable lessons in life that helped him put his life back together by “seeing what’s there, not what you got told was there” (390).  Through his journey, he opens up his eyes to see what exactly is out there.  He gains strength and wisdom through his real-life experiences.


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