Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Don't take things for granted.

I found out some pretty shocking news today.  I wish I could talk to someone about my issue, but this information is not something that I want my close friends to know.  My friends will take this information as gossip and judge a girl who made a big mistake.  But I need to let my feelings out, and blogging is the perfect way to do it.

So here it is: A girl my age from my town just found out she is pregnant.

As children, we were very close.  Once we enrolled in different schools, we somewhat stopped talking.  Of course, we occasionally instant messaged each other about our lives or sent each other “happy birthday” text, but we were not really friends again.  During high school, I didn’t mind that; she had her group of friends and I had mine.

She had a pretty difficult four years in high school: her parents got divorced, she moved houses three times, she got very involved with drugs, and she got kicked out of two high schools.  This past year, she had been taking classes and got her GED last month.  I was so proud that she got clean and her GED.  I thought everything finally was going to work out for her… until I found out that she’s pregnant.

When I found out what had happened, I was in the middle of getting ready to get in the shower.  I said goodbye to my mom on the phone and walked to the bathroom.  So many different things were racing through my head.  I turned on the water and sat on the wooden bench outside the shower and starred at the tile in front of me.   I sat on the bench for about thirty minutes thinking about so many different things.

It is so hard for me to even imagine what she must be going through.  I know she is very scared and unsure of what to do.  Even though we’re not friends anymore, I still sympathize with her because of what we had.   If I could tell her anything now I would tell her that no matter what I will always be there for her.  

In the bathroom I thought to myself that it could happen to anyone, and she does not deserve this pain.  I couldn’t help but wonder what if was my best friend? My sister? Or even me?  After thinking about everything over and over in my mind, I know that I can’t ever take anything for granted-how matter how big or small.

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